Funko Pop Treebeard With Marry & Pippin - Lotr - Senhor Dos Anéis - The Lord Of The Rings - #1579

Funko Pop Treebeard With Marry & Pippin - Lotr - Senhor Dos Anéis - #1579

Vendido por: Funko in POA - RS

123 Vendidos
R$ 678,98
4x sem juros

O produto Funko Pop Treebeard With Marry & Pippin - Lotr - Senhor Dos Anéis - The Lord Of The Rings é vendido e entregue por: Funko in POA e ao realizar sua compra pela Geral Geek você conta com o nosso programa de proteção até receber o seu o pedido. Para mais detalhes sobre as especificações do produto consulte o painel abaixo.


"Things will go as they will; and there is no need to hurry to meet them."

Treebeard, also known as Fangorn, was the oldest of the Ents left in Middle-earth, an ancient tree-like being who was a "shepherd of trees". He had a very tall and stiff-limbed appearance, with bark-like skin and leafy hair.

In Chapter Five of The Two Towers, Gandalf calls Treebeard "...the oldest living thing that still walks beneath the Sun upon this Middle-earth." Later, Celeborn would address him as "Eldest."


Especificações Básicas
Franquia The Lord Of The Rings
Condição Novo
Garantia 7 Dias
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Original SIM
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